Marketing SWOT

Uncover your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to improve your Marketing

Uncover your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to improve your Marketing

The Marketing Coach Marketing SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Genius! Geniusmarketing.comMarketing SWOT Coaching

The market and your customer is changing. Your company is changing. Now is the time to develop your plan for the “next normal”. There is opportunity for organizations like yours. It is a matter of understanding the market, the customer, the needs, the changes in delivery and communication.

Let’s start with a SWOT analysis to understand the situation more fully and unpack the opportunities and threats.

This two-session, 1-on-1 coaching program will walk you through the Marketing SWOT process and prime you to move forward with a fresh marketing plan.

The Marketing SWOT program is held via Zoom and includes all materials, two coaching sessions and email support between the coaching sessions. There is assessment “homework” about your company’s marketing to prepare for each coaching session.

The Marketing Coach Stephen Eckert Virtual VP of Marketing Author: ‘Genius! Marketing’ and
 ‘Marketing in a Downturn’ books Developed Genius! Marketing 
 planning process Helps business owners 
 Organize, Optimize and 
 Operationalize MarketingI’m Stephen Eckert of Genius! Marketing

Sometimes known as “The Marketing Coach”, I help business owners get the most out of your marketing. I developed a step-by-step system to help small businesses organize, optimize and operationalize marketing.

My clients care about how their company is perceived in the marketplace. But they don’t have the time to directly manage marketing. In fact, they have multiple vendors and in-house staff working on various marketing, digital, PR and advertising projects. Too often marketing is start/stop. No consistency. It drives my clients crazy that marketing isn’t working. They need an experienced leader they can trust to help them get marketing results.


Why S.W.O.T.? 1. Quick assessment 2. Inform updated marketing plan 3. Move quickly to action 4. Help responsiveness to market Genius! geniusmarketing.comWhy Marketing SWOT?

Take the time to work through your marketing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This course will include a self-assessment prior to the first of two coaching sessions.

The result of the coaching will be actionable ways to improve your organization’s marketing by finding new ways to engage your current and future customers, understanding gaps in your current plan, and more. Ready to get started?

Contact us to learn more.